DFWA Zimbabwe 2020 LAFP

DFWA Zimbabwe 2020 LAFP

DFWA Zimbabwe 2020 LAFP

482 482 people viewed this event.

Children Breakfast with DFWA.

As lockdown situation worsen due to a number of issues which include economic melt down and hype inflation, high rate of unemployment, shortage of basic commodities etc  majority of street vendors were selling  groceries and clothes which were being imported from  other countries and they are no longer able to cross the boarders.

This resulted to many people not able to afford a single meal a day. They have used up their savings,  and some have been affected by the hyper inflation and prices in stores are sky rocketing daily. DFWA no to drugs yes to food  2020 Lockdown Africa Food Program assisted the most vulnerable groups in Zimbabwe to put food on their table. On Thursday 18/06/20 at Hatclife Extension Harare Zimbabwe  Children Breakfast with DFWA  was lunched paying more attention to needy child. Every plate of meal passed on the story, food is better than drugs.

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