Ebitimi (Timi) McQuade

Ebitimi (Timi) McQuade

Global Trustee and Training Director – DFWA

18 years ago, Timi embarked on her humanitarian endeavours whilst in Johannesburg, South Africa.

She first began by increasing her own knowledge of mankind in-order-to equip herself with vital skills including successful communication skills, advance study and supervisory training and becoming a detox specialist.

Through her church she successfully rehabilitated study skills in her students, enabling them to learn new subjects and succeed in their chosen profession, whilst through Narconon and the detox program she assisted hundreds of individuals to rid themselves of the harmful effect of drugs and toxins. This process allowed each individual to think and act with clarity and confidence in life. Rehabilitating them morally also assisted ex-drug users to become part of society once again and partake in the enhancement of their own lives as well as the lives of those around them.

More recently she took 185,763 steps in a month raising several hundred pounds for an Orphanage in Nigeria Queen Grace Foundation.

During the pandemic she partook in the Scientology Volunteer Minister “Stay safe” neighbourhood program. The British Heart Foundation and Hospice of Hope in East Grinstead have also had the good fortune of Timi’s care over the years.

After more than 35,000 hours helping her fellow man and travelling across the world, Timi has her heart set on helping Africa and educating people into the harmful effects of substance use; what this does to an individual; how it affects their thinking and how that thought conveys into detrimental activities. She has observed first-hand how education and prevention can reverse these effects into hope and effectiveness of its youth for our future generations.

In 2019 Timi joined Green Field Day and boarding school as one of the Matrons looking after the bordering students to bring them up to a respectful young men and women.

To keep up to date with the innovative world around her she gained admission in University of Wales Trinity Saint David to study Business and Management tools.

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and begin and educate drug-free-life.