Drug Free World Africa

Welcome to our Nigeria online Portal.

Drug Free World Africa is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating Nigerian youths about the dangers of drug abuse and helping them live drug-free lives.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower Nigerian youths with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about drug use. We believe that education is the key to preventing drug abuse, and we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information about the dangers of drugs.

Our Programs

We offer a range of programs designed to educate and empower young people to live drug-free lives. Our programs include:

School Campaigns

We organize workshops in schools, universities, and community centers to educate young people about the dangers of drugs and how to resist peer pressure to use them.

Community Outreach

Our outreach program engages young people in conversations about drugs and

their impact on individuals and society.

Community Events

We participate in community events to raise awareness about the dangers of drugs and promote drug-free living.

Online Resources

Our website provides a wealth of information about the dangers of drugs, including videos, articles, and educational materials.

Our Approach

At Drug Free World Africa, Nigeria, we believe in a holistic approach to drug education. We focus on providing young people with the tools and skills they need to make informed decisions about drug use.

Providing Accurate Information

We provide young people with accurate and reliable information about the dangers of drugs, including the physical and mental health risks, the impact on family and community, and the legal consequences.

Empowering Young People

We empower young people to resist peer pressure and make informed decisions about drug use by teaching them communication and decision-making skills.

Providing Support:

We provide support to young people who are struggling with drug use or know someone who is. We connect them with resources and treatment options in their community.

If you share our passion for empowering young people to live drug-free lives, we invite you to join us.

You can support our mission by volunteering, donating, or participating in our programs.


To learn more about Drug Free World Africa, Nigeria and our programs, visit our website or contact us at nigeria@drugfreeworldafrica.org

Meet the team

DFWA Trip To Ukarine

Engr. Chinagorum Nkaru

President of Drug Free World Africa

Hon. Dr. Okereke Marcillina A.

1ST Trustee Drug Free World Africa & Project Director DFWA


DFWA First Country Representative