Hon. Dr. OkerekeMarcillinaAmara.

Hon. Dr. OkerekeMarcillinaAmara.

1ST Trustee Drug Free World Africa & Project Director DFWA

A renowned Scientist, Cancer awareness educator, a motivator, a coach and inventor. A philanthropist who devoted her time to create, invent and develop laboratories towards research of cancer disease and other chronic degenerated deceases. She is the first woman to opened a pathology center in Nigeria and based in Port Harcourt. Hence used her laboratory for research work.


She is the founding Medical Director of NEW ORLINS CLINIC, founder of St Elizabeth Clinical Diagnostic Center which upgraded to Bethlinn Molecular Laboratory a Pathology investigating Center for cancer research. Her quest for Philanthropic work in cancer research, awareness and prevention of the diseases propelled her to founding Universal Basic Development Center (UBDC) which is considered on the above to help to nip the evil of chronic degenerative diseases and cancer that is killing.Her organization also campaign against child trafficking and subsequent effect in neglecting girl child education.


As a graduate student of College of Medicine- University of Ibadan in Laboratory Medicine, she has made lots of innovations in pathology medicine in floating many laboratories in clinics and transforming many companies’ dead laboratories to functional laboratories in Port Harcourt. Her innovative transformation helped in accreditation of University Teaching Hospital Medical School Port Harcourt. Further, it also earned her recognition and invitation by the World Health Organization to University College Hospital London for more research and development in pathology which she turned down, according to her she said, she can’t neglect the active support to her community and her patient’s care. To her that will be a later time not now, now time for aggressive community awareness against cancer deceases to stop losing life of loved once.


As first woman laboratory inventor and cancer awareness campaigner, her wild passion in educating the community against cancer deceases and adopting a positive life style has projected her into the light of working with many reputable organizations and oil companies such as SPDC, Mobile, Agip and many others and as well earned her the recognition to be handpicked by Imo State government to sever as Special Adviser on Health, Imo State.


Her pedigree in philanthropic work on ceaseless awareness campaign for a change of life style met it likes in Drug Free World Africa where she marched the passion to educate, coach and motivate youths to live drug-free life.