DFWA Kano has visited Dala Local Government on a Multi-School Sensitization against Drug Abuse and illicit drug usage.
The sensitization took place on the 16th of May 2022 had the whole team in attendance headed by Mr. Nura Sani who is the representative of DFWA Kano state.

Embarking on the multi-school sensitization exercise against drug abuse and the illegal use of harmful substances the team stated that such exercise is needed now more than ever.
Mr. Nura Sani talked to the students on the irredeemable dangers of drug abuse to the individual and society at large.

“It is no longer an assumption that drugs and other forms of criminal activities have a symbiotic relationship. As drug abuse increases, crime also increases with the need to support the very expensive drug habit. The instant alteration of the mind, which occurs at the intake of any hard drug, leaves the individual ready to do and undo.”
He also posited that the sensitization was as an urgent need to enlighten the younger generation on the wrongs of drug abuse.
“This is why we have deemed it fit to embark on such sensitization now rather than later, in the bid to speak to them and make them see the dangers of drug abuse at a tender age. Because if we don’t teach them, the bad ones will get to them before us and the society keeps been what it shouldn’t be”
“I plead with all well-meaning sons of the soil to help in the fight against drug abuse in our state in the best way they can to achieve this said goal,” he said,
The event had 18 community schools in attendance and the total number of participants was over 700 including community leaders, security members, and other residents in the area.

The team shared 1,350 Drugs free booklets with all participants and individual community schools who were in attendance.