BREAKING NEWS: Drug Free World Africa Is Set to Subdue Drug Abuse and Illicit Substance Abuse in Kogi State Join the Walk
Drug free world Africa Kogi state chapter is set to eradicate drug abuse and the use of illicit substances by the youths and adults’ in Kogi State through its unique drug free walk campaign on the 30th of November 2021.
Dru Free World Africa evolutional walk against drug abuse, a movement that is circulating round Africa starting from Nigeria is set to make appearance in Koi State on Subdue Drug Abuse Walk in capital city of Kogi State, Lokoja on 30th November 2021. The walk was initially scheduled on 15th November 2021 but rescheduled for 30th as many stakeholders indicated interest and to join the meaningful strategised walk towards drug-free-community.

The Kogi State communities said that DFWA thoughtful project on NO TO DRUG ABUSE WALK is timely and should aggressively go massive to fight the war on drugs. They said drugs has been unveiled to be the fundamental causes leading to community crimes and anti-social issues. They said that their youths are dumping themselves helplessly in drug misuse and the way out is massive awareness. The community of Kogi State said they are very happy with the level of state awareness DFWA is sending the message of NO TO DRUG ABUSE in their community.

Join the walk towards drug-free-kogi-youths.