Drug Terror

Drug abuse a global issue, has become almost a pandemic. Before now the problem of the abuse of Indian hemp, cocaine and heroine was rampant among the youths. Many people in the 70s and 80s became demented for life as a result of the abuse of the above mentioned drugs. This made many countries to legislate laws to help in checkmating the abuse. Many drug peddlers were openly executed while some were sentenced to life imprisonments.

We have heard of how many Nigerians were executed in many Asian and European countries for drug meddling and abuse. It became embarrassing as the Nigerian government pay deaf ears to the problem among Nigerian in diaspora. The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency has been active in curbing the menace but it seems that their best is never good enough.

Unfortunately, drug abuse has gotten to an asttonomic level that it has enhanced robbery and cultism. Wonders shall never end. Are you aware of the abuse of Tramadol? What about other drugs like Valium 5 and 10? What about the use of some herbal drugs as strenght enhancers which assist in destroying neural balance in the body? There are extreme cases where the youths consume dried spirogyra, amoeba and other microorganisms. Some youths have even smoked Lipton tea and other dried leafs which have been found as efficacious in enhancing the sensory systems.

There is now one deadly one called GUZORO, Mkpurunmmiri which comes in liquid or tablet form and increases the thyroid strength and makes the consumers assume extraordinary strenght. Imagine where a consumer of this drug goes through knife stabbing without feeling the pains. Imagine where the consumer jumps through a high fence as if it takes to strength to do. Imagine where the consumers engage in rape, battery and violence without realizing the implications?

In our society today, GUZORO has destroyed the lives of many youths. They abuse it to a point of danger. This drug has assisted many of them who are perpetrating violence, murder and cultism. This has become a very big embarrassment in the our society which must be checkmated before it becomes another thing.

This perennial problem must be checked or our youths will become useless in the society. The problems of drug abuse are so terrible that it destroys the future of the coming generations. The truth remains that no drug addict can father a child or keep a responsible marriage. Our parents must rise up to checkmate their children and what they do. The churches must rise up to the fact and assist in directing the youths. We know that some cannot be corrected easily but let’s play the good role so that those who can change can change.
Amb Onuawuchi Anyanwu Nkwazema. Join Drug Free World Africa and Imo Health Volunteers in the fight against drug abuse. .

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