DFWA Liberia 2020 LAFP

DFWA Liberia 2020 LAFP

DFWA Liberia 2020 LAFP

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DFWA Food Bank Liberia 

DFWA was live in Liberia on Saturday 04/07/20 at S.K Doe Community, District #14 Monsterrado County distributing food to children and families. Laughter and smiles on the faces of children was an overwhelming reward to volunteered members of Drug Free World Africa. Hunger and starvation was a killing factor in Africa during pandemic (Covid) 19 lockdown. Drug Free World Africa identified that, that wasn’t the time to shout do not take drugs but a time to pass a message through the needs of the people “food”. DFWA storms city of Liberia with food bank. DFWA keep circulating info “notodrugsyestofeed”.

DFWA food for Children

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