DFWA has joined the rest of the world to celebrate fathers on the occasion of their 2022 Father’s Day celebration.
The president of the organization speaking on the occasion stated that fathers are great pillars of influence on their children and any family void of a father feels the vacuum.
Engr. Chinagorom Nkaru added that fathers should be constantly appreciated for their good provisions, protection, and support to every member of their household.
Further speaking in the event, Engr. Nkaru, noted that the role of fathers in the fight against use of illicit drugs cannot be over-emphasized as they have a great influence on their children.
She urged fathers to create time to be with their children and teach them morals ranging from the dangers of drug abuse to other important issues of life.
“It is of note that a family void of drug users or drug addicts is a plus to the head of the family which is the father and an assurance of a society free of drug abusers”
“A father has a great influence on the child and should try to live by example, you can`t tell a child or your teenager not to do drugs when you do drugs, they look up to you and as such need you to create a good example for your children,” she said,
She added that children of this era are taught by examples and not mere words, urging fathers to start being part of their children`s lives and help create a society void of drug users.
The event was brought to a close by members of the team celebrating all fathers in the house and praying for God’s protection on them.
Remember a home void of drug abusers, is a society free of drug abuse.