DFWA held a drug-free world campaign in Bomi County Liberia on the 29th of April 2022 with the tag give us books and not drugs.
The campaign in Bomi county was headed by Darius Nimely who is the DFWA representative in the state.
The campaign had boys and girls of school ages with placards in the streets demanding to be given books and not drugs.
The colorful outing drew the attention of the community leaders who came close to understanding what was happening and getting the message and declared the campaign a welcome development.
Montserrado county dressed in colorful clothes the colorful dressing of the Montserrado county was pioneered by Grace G.Gweh.
The kids were excited for the help of DFWA in the state to eradicate drug abuse and other unhealthy social vices which hinder the growth of children in all ramifications.