DFWA Imo state chapter on the 26tth June 2022 campaigned around the state in commemoration of the international drug-free day.
DFWA Project Facilitator Dr. Lina Okereke who doubles as the SA Health Imo State took her team on a visit to schools in the state to celebrate the day.

The No to Drug Abuse walk started around Government House Owerri to other venues marking the International Day against Drug Abuse.
One of the schools visited during the walk was Ikenegbu girls’ secondary school, the school felt the presence of the team as lectures on drugs and the importance of drug abstinence were taught to the students.

Dr. Lina pointed out the consequences of drug abuse to the students and made them understand that saying No to peer pressure to indulge in drugs is the best decision.

“You own your future in your hands, you don`t allow people to decide your future for you, it is better to turn down a friend’s urge to indulge in drugs than accept and jeopardize your future.

“We are ladies and are meant to live a life worthy of emulation for the sake of the generations that will come through us, remember what you do today, has a way of affecting the future,” she said,

Dr. Lina Okereke explained and handed over Teaching Aids, Manuals, Materials, and Drug leaflets from Drug-Free World Africa to the Principal of the school for the sustainability of the War Against Drug Abuse (WADA).
It was an eventful outing for the team and a memorable day for the students of the DFWA visited.