DFWA has been spotted educating and sensitizing people on the dangers inherent in the use of hard drugs and why they should be thrown overboard immediately in a leadership workshop.
The sensitization which took place on the second day of the “Truth about Drugs” leadership workshop, had leaders of DFWA present in East London Communities at Strafford Station

As people were quite friendly and open to be helped, some said they went into drugs due to relationship stress, low self-worth and work stress while some stated how it was due to peer pressure, finance and all what not.
The leaders of the organization thanked the people for being friendly and responsive and remedies were proffered on how they can break off the ramshackle of hard drugs.
People were made to understand that drugs do not really take away pains but rather distract for a while hence hides them and make it worse of which the best way is to accept the true situation of things and work out modalities on how to overcome particular situation or seek help if necessary.