
DFWA partners Deeproot International Academy to Celebrate Children’s Day

Deeproot International Academy through her Eco Heroes Club has partnered with DFWA to speak to children about drug abuse. The outing which was held on the 28th of May,2022 at Government Secondary School, EdibeEdibe, Calabar south started with a friendly match among the schools. DFWA Cross River State Rep Dr. Hannah Etta Said the partnership was to mark the 2022 Children’s Day Activities and to unite the children, it was a means for the children to showcase their talent and creativity through sports (Football) and other activities. She further stated that DFWA is committed to raising the banner of a drug-free world high at all times and by all given means. Stating that speaking to these kids at a younger age is the best that could happen to the world at large, as their good and healthy living is a plus to the society. DFWA partnering, brought the drug-free world gospel to these kids even as they had fun celebrating their day. They were taught the dangers of drug abuse and the consequences of the illicit use of drugs, the event had about 50 children in attendance. The event was a colorful one as other activities iced the children’s day celebration.

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`Let us labor for a drug-free society` DFWA sends message celebrating workers day

Workers’ Day is celebrated on May 1st as a public holiday in Nigeria. It is part of International Workers’ Day, which is celebrated across the world, also known as Labour Day.  DFWA has commemorated workers from all spheres of life, asking them to help in the labor for a drug-free society, stating they are strong and more than they think.  The team appreciated workers and wondered how the workforce would have been without them and their amazing efforts. “This is an occasion to commemorate and thank workers and laborers across the world for all the hard work they do. It’s promoted by the international labor movement and is celebrated internationally on May Day (the 1st of May) and we can`t hesitate to join in celebrating these wonderful and strong people, because we will always appreciate their efforts”, Engr.Chinagorum Nkaru stated,  DFWA urged the workers and laborers to educate the youths on the truth about drug abuse as they celebrate their day, and in their various workplaces after today.  “As we are Commemorating the workers and laborers whose vital work keeps countries and businesses across the world running smoothly, we plead with the labor union to educate the youths on the truth about drug abuse as we believe they will never depart from it”, she said.  Workers Day has been a public holiday in Nigeria since 1981 and traditionally, people gather together on the day to celebrate with friends and family.  The team stated that telling the truths about drugs to the younger generation by all labour teams will help eradicate drug abuse as they will never depart from it wherever they are. DFWA facilitates with all workers all over the globe with the message, “let us labour for a drug-free society”

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Drug Terror

Drug abuse a global issue, has become almost a pandemic. Before now the problem of the abuse of Indian hemp, cocaine and heroine was rampant among the youths. Many people in the 70s and 80s became demented for life as a result of the abuse of the above mentioned drugs. This made many countries to legislate laws to help in checkmating the abuse. Many drug peddlers were openly executed while some were sentenced to life imprisonments. We have heard of how many Nigerians were executed in many Asian and European countries for drug meddling and abuse. It became embarrassing as the Nigerian government pay deaf ears to the problem among Nigerian in diaspora. The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency has been active in curbing the menace but it seems that their best is never good enough. Unfortunately, drug abuse has gotten to an asttonomic level that it has enhanced robbery and cultism. Wonders shall never end. Are you aware of the abuse of Tramadol? What about other drugs like Valium 5 and 10? What about the use of some herbal drugs as strenght enhancers which assist in destroying neural balance in the body? There are extreme cases where the youths consume dried spirogyra, amoeba and other microorganisms. Some youths have even smoked Lipton tea and other dried leafs which have been found as efficacious in enhancing the sensory systems. There is now one deadly one called GUZORO, Mkpurunmmiri which comes in liquid or tablet form and increases the thyroid strength and makes the consumers assume extraordinary strenght. Imagine where a consumer of this drug goes through knife stabbing without feeling the pains. Imagine where the consumer jumps through a high fence as if it takes to strength to do. Imagine where the consumers engage in rape, battery and violence without realizing the implications? In our society today, GUZORO has destroyed the lives of many youths. They abuse it to a point of danger. This drug has assisted many of them who are perpetrating violence, murder and cultism. This has become a very big embarrassment in the our society which must be checkmated before it becomes another thing. This perennial problem must be checked or our youths will become useless in the society. The problems of drug abuse are so terrible that it destroys the future of the coming generations. The truth remains that no drug addict can father a child or keep a responsible marriage. Our parents must rise up to checkmate their children and what they do. The churches must rise up to the fact and assist in directing the youths. We know that some cannot be corrected easily but let’s play the good role so that those who can change can change.Amb Onuawuchi Anyanwu Nkwazema. Join Drug Free World Africa and Imo Health Volunteers in the fight against drug abuse. .

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Most Challenging Epidemic in The Community

DRUG ABUSE: Drug Abuse is the most uncontrollable diseases destroying lives/properties & future of our youths/people. Control of drugs and illicit substance abuse is also one major aspect of PREVENTIVE HEALTHCARE DELIVERY instead of the normal practice of CURATIVE HEALTHCARE. The phenomenon to cure most times damages some body organs and leaves us in the dark. While our children are developing Chronic Diseases and dying in numbers from ORGAN FAILURE (KIDNEY FAILURE, HEART & OTHERS) CANCER and MENTAL HEALTH unknown to us that this habit is acquired from one of the major but hidden causes, drug Abuse. The United Nations Office on Drug and Crimes (UNODC) has said that 14.5 per cent of Nigerians are presently engaged in drug abuse. This portends a negative trend to the future of the country. 27.7 per cent of the14.4 per cent of those concerned were youths who should face their studies.  The great work of NDLEA has not gone un-notices in the fight against drug abuse and illicit trafficking in the country. As the above data reveals the degree increase and the danger drug abuse imposes to the lives and properties of the individual in the community the question arouses what do we do to combat it. One NGO has emerged DRUG FREE WORLD AFRICA (DFWA) for the fight against drug abuse and illicit substances. DFWA declared war on drugs with drug-free-walk campaign in all cities of Africa starting from Nigerian to create massive awareness of drug abuse and its effect hence “Truth About Drugs”. Most importantly, DFWA strategy is a direct and indirect fight to subdue youth restiveness and other social vices in our communities and Imo State in general. Government cannot do it alone. This is achievable with the concerned effort of all hand on deck. I wish to call on all our illustrious sons & daughters, LGA authorities, Chiefs, Philanthropists, Churches, Schools, Universities, Hospitals & the allied, Institutions, Organizations, Ministries, Parastatals, Associations, and Several other Existing Bodies for Partnership with DFWA to make DRUG-FREE-WALK not just one-off campaign but a sustainable Project/Program to embrace making it impactful and educate our youth towards living a drug free life. Sudden Deaths, chronic diseases, sexual harassment, anti-social crime and insecurity in the community will be on the decrease.   Under this Organisation, DRUG FREE WORLD AFICA in Partnership with NDLEA & GOVERNMENT IMO STAT, gearing towards aggressive Awareness, Seminars, Education, and Sustainable NO TO DRUG ABUSE Seminars “TRUTH ABOUT DRUGs” in our community. Join the trendy awareness campaingn Hon. Dr Lina Okereke SA on Health Imo State Coordinator, DFWA Imo State Chapter

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Curbing Drug Abuse Through Sports Campaign

Drug abuse is simply the abnormal use of drugs for the pleasure of the brain or other psychological or emotional satisfaction rather than the main use of the prescribed drugs. Ghana one of the Africa youth-dominated countries has been battling drug abuse for some time now. Youth in these societies focus on several aspects of social life for survival. Most youths in the slums and the streets abnormally use drugs, such as alcohol, marijuana, codeine, tramadol, cocaine, etc in the streets and ghettos in Accra, I found out that most of these children are between the age of 10-25years. They started doing drugs due to overcome poverty, lack of parental control and guidance, peer pressure, social influence, emotional and psychological trauma. These youths confide in youth workers the activities they engaged in to afford drugs due to the high level of addiction. They all have big dreams and beautiful talents, especially in sports but sometimes can’t help themselves. DFWA is gearing towards developing skating combined with hand ball into a competitive sport to promote positive youth engagement sports in African starting from Ghana.After witnessing a guy being beaten on the street after using a skate to pickpocket someone at Kwame Nkrumah Circle. The boy said he leaves on drugs and pickpocket using skate and makes it difficult to be apprehended which was shocking and heart breaking, DFWA hence initiating an alternative skating sport to exchange for drugs and pickpockets. Sport has the power to cause a positive change in youth. It can be an alternative wayto reduce drug abuse. These youth can be well educated through sports since they can easily learn from what they love doing. Sport in its cross-cutting nature can improve their physical fitness, mental wellbeing, and social stability. We can teach these youths various life skills such as respect, teamwork, discipline, focus, productive, result oriented and respect for rule of law among others through sport. They can make a livelihood through sports if we can assure them of the needed support.The youths are the future of every nation, if we save one of them from drug abuse, in turn can influence the rest. These acts will go a long way to creating a safe society. DFWA is ready to partner and collaborate with government, public and private sectors to actualise the dream of setting African youths from captivity of drug abuse. I believe together we win drug war. @drugfreeworldafrica

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International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

2000 young people participating in the ‘Run Against Drugs’, organized to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in New Delhi, India on 26 June 26, 2004 The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is a United Nations International Day against drug abuse and the illegal drug trade. It is observed annually on 26 June, since 1989. The date June 26 is to commemorate Lin Zexu‘s dismantling of the opium trade in Humen, Guangdong, ending on June 25, 1839,just before the First Opium War in China. The observance was instituted by General Assembly Resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987. 2000 young people participating in the ‘Run Against Drugs’, organized to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in New Delhi, India on 26 June 26, 2004 On 26 June 1987, two important texts (Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control & Declaration of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking) were adopted at the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which was held in Vienna during 17–26 June 1987. The Conference recommended that an annual day should be observed to mark the importance of the fight against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Both the dates 17 June and 26 June were suggested, and in the later meetings 26 June was chosen and written into the draft and final resolution.[1] It is often referred to by Anti-Drug campaigners as 6/26. A play on Marijuana smokers “4/20” day to celebrate cannabis. The UN’s 2007 World Drug Report[2] puts the value of the illegal drug trade at US$322 billion a year.[3] Campaigns, rallies, poster designing and many other programs are conducted. People of different countries celebrate the day together. As drug use increases[citation needed], the day becomes more important. ‘Health for Justice. Justice for Health’, the theme for International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2019, highlights that “justice and health are two sides of the same coin when it comes to addressing drug problems.”[4]  1000 youths in Cross River State marched against drug abuse gearing towards marking International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. On 15th May 2021 Drug Free World Africa Cross River State Chapter organized a pre-awareness march campaign to march out drugs in Cross Rivers State. African youths said it’s now to do the walk out drugs in our community to save friends and colleagues from destructive effect of drugs. Youths are determined to war on drugs, hence the 1000 march campaign to create awareness on the coming International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June 2021. Drug Free World Africa call on youths to stay away from drugs and be their best. References[edit] ^ Report of the Secretary-General, International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking ^ World Drug Report 2007 ^ UN Report: Global Drug Abuse Under Control Archived 2007-06-29 at the Wayback Machine ^

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