
Campaign Against Hard Drugs Among The Youths

DFWA Anambara State Chapter holds campaign against hard drugs amoung youths. ON 26th June 2022 DFWA  Anambara State Chapter (ASC) sets to educate youths of Nri Coummunity at the Village Square on dangers of consuming Hard Drugs. The  sensitisation campaign organised by Lady Lorita Akumsinachi againt drug abuse is to mark International Day Agaist Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 26th June.

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Drug Free World Africa Imo State Chapter on 5000 March “Say No to Drug Abuse “Reach For The Stars”

Video: Drug Free Word Africa campaigns against drug abuse in Imo State With Imo State ranking high among the states affected by the abuse of drugs and illicit substances in Nigeria, Drug Free World Africa has held a campaign to curb the menace. The campaign is aimed cutting both the demand and supply of the abused substances according to Dr. Lina Okereke who led the campaign organized by Drug Free World Africa. Dr. Okereke who is the Special Adviser on Health Matters to Imo State Governor is also the Coordinator of Drug Free World Africa, an intercontinental Africa organization with presence in more than five African countries.   Speaking in Owerri during the campaign which saw students and teachers from primary, secondary and tertiary institutions match round the city of Owerri, Dr. Lina Okereke said that lack of information has been the major barrier in the fight against drug abuse. She said that the campaign is both preventive and corrective measures aimed at saving the lives of Imo youths from the devastating effects of drug abuse. Dr. Lina Okereke highlighted that the only way young people especially, can desist from this act is when they have the right information, adding that having children, youths and adults from all levels of education means they have captured all age brackets of youths in the state who are potential victims of drug abuse. Speaking during the campaign, Rev. Fr. Dr. Gerald Njoku said that stress, peer pressure are some of the causes of drug abuse. Rev. Fr. Dr. Gerald Njoku called for the establishment of counseling centers and awareness units in every community. He also called on more organizations to emulate and support Drug Free World Africa, appreciating the efforts of Dr. Lina Okereke in leading the campaign. Director General of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Mr. Apeh Reuben, who was represented by Dr. Chinyere Aguocha said that drug Abuse is detrimental to the growth and development of Nigeria often encouraging mental disorder, armed robbery, rape, and other social vices. In a chat with OtownGist, the President of Drug Free World Africa, Engr. Chinagorom Nkaru said that the entire team is working round the clock to achieve a drug free Africa. She said that drug abuse has caused more havoc in Africa than it used to, calling individuals and groups around the world to come together to save the situation. “What we are doing is to empower youths and adults with factual information on “Truth About drugs” “”We create campaign activities and projects that engage youths and make them proud ambassadors of the fight against drug abuse. So far, we have held similar event in several states in Nigeria and we’ll keep expanding across African countries”, Engr. Chinagorom Nkaru added. The campaign which took place on Wednesday January 26, 2022 also had the Universal Basic Development Center (UBDc) and members of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA present. Other organizations present are Pharmaceutical Society of Nigerian, MedImo health volunteers, Imo Beauty Queens, NYSC members, Youth Organizations, National Leaders of Nigerian Patriotic Citizens for Democracy & Attitudinal Change (NIPACDAC), and other stakeholders in the fight against abuse of drugs and illicit substances.    

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‘Reach Kids Before Drugs Do’ Labour to Protect Kids from Drug Abuse

Special Adviser on Health Matters to Imo State Governor, Hon. Dr. Lina OKereke challeged herself to Labours for Drug Free Kids Drug Free World Africa has taken their campaign against drug abuse to secondary schools in Imo State. The campaign which is tagged ‘Reach Kids Before Drugs Do’ is designed to sensitize school children on the dangers of all forms of drug abuse. Dr. Lina Okereke who led the campaign for DFWA said that most drug addicts started at a very ten-der age and it is important to start the sensitization at that level. Dr. Okereke who is also the Special Adviser on Health Matters to Imo State Governor, said that drug abuse no longer has age boundaries, adding that if nothing is done to sensitize the students on the looming dangers, they might be lost to drugs forever. “We have already tagged it Reach Kids Before Drugs Do. It is a practical campaign to teach them the truth about drug abuse” “Drug Free World Africa is complementing the efforts of other stakeholders in this sector and this is to mark the Children Mental Health Week in Imo State”, she said. The schools visited include Holy Ghost College Owerri; Amaini High School Ihitte Uboma; Communi-ty Secondary School Orogwe, and Government College Owerri.        

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Drug Free World Africa Oyo State Chapter Embarks on Stop Drug Abuse Walk in Ibadan City

Drug Free World Africa Oyo State Chapter (DFWA OSC) set out to sensitise Oyo state from Ibadan capital city on stop drug abuse campaign walk. On December 17th 2021 the people of Ibadan city experienced and entertaining group number of people with voice over message stop drug abuse. DFWA OSC Representative Mr Mojeed Ibrahim said the walk started on a low key with only few numbers of people turned up. The team highly motivated and determined to walk through the community and spread the crucial message to the youths “Truth About Drugs”, they were unstoppable. He said as they weren’t deterred and kept on the mission of Stop drug abuse walk and to their surprise people started joining them all along the way until they lost count of the persons on the train. Entire community were amazed at the DFWA commitment to walk youths of Oyo state out of drug abuse. The walk at Ibadan Metropolis took off from Beere to Bodija passing along Total Garden to end at UI covering more routes than initially proposed. They had about 350 city youths joined the walk and 11 drug users declared no to drug abuse.

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Drug Free World Africa Kano State Chapter Collaborates with Other Agencies on School-School No to Drug Abuse Campaign

DFW KANO STATE TEAM Sensitized the students of Government Secondary School Tarauni, under Tarauni Local Government Kano State Nigeria, on Monday 06th of December 2021. The “Truth About Drugs” education was in collaboration with the Office of Senior Special Assistant Drugs Awareness Kano State Government and the MYCRO International Organization.   The participants received free booklets “Truth About Drugs” and other substance abuse materials donated for continuous use towards drug abuse education in the schools

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Drug Free World Africa Kogi State Chapter on Carnival Stop Drug Abuse Awareness Campaign Walk.

  A historic day in Kogi State capital on Tuesday 30th November, 2021 as Drug Free World Africa Kogi State Chapter colourfully painted the city of Lokoja, Kogi State with Stop Drug Abuse posters while walk round the town sensitising the entire people of Kogi State on dangers of drug abuse. The walk which was flagged off by the commander of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Mrs. Bridget Ede and the Hon. Commissioner for Youth and Sports Development, Alhaji Idris Musa by 9:00 am from Ganaja Junction to NUJ Press Centre was led by Amb Maximillian E. Tashiliani Drug Free World Africa Kogi State Chapter Representative. Members of DFWA Kogi State chapter, NDLEA, NUJ officers, students of the Federal University Lokoja, and youth loving people of Kogi State took to the streets of Lokoja city, first of its kind, boldly armed with the messages of havocs caused by drug abuse and illicit substance misuse. The processional walk took the shape of a carnival with the public joining on their own accord to help in the propagation of the messages Stop Drug Abuse Before It Stop your Life, “Truth About Drugs”. The walk progressed and attracted Ministry of Youth and Sports and other agencies who also mobilised their staff to join in the awareness campaign. The unimaginable effective strategized Stop Drug Abuse walk in Lokoja Kogi state encouraged participants to cover more routes than initially included in the itinerary and effortlessly had over 18 drug addicted persons joined the walk and signed on for counselling and support to go clean from drugs misuse. 1780 participants were recorded with over 800 truth About drugs booklets and 2100 NO TO DRUGS hand bills distributed during the period of stop abuse campaign walk in Kogi State.   Stop Drugs awareness walk Lokoja, Kogi State terminated at the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) Press Centre where the Chairman received participants of the awareness walk with 25 Media correspondents’ personnel’s present covering the news. The progressive success story of the Stop drugs walk attracted the President of DFWA Engr. Chinagorum Nkaru’s visit from UK. The icing on the cake was the biggest surprise visit of the president of DFWA Engr. Chinagorum Nkaru whose presence motivated youths to be determined towards applying all possible strategies to spread “truth About Drugs” and stop drug abuse in the community. Youth confessed that the biggest disarming issues is drug abuse in the community but they are optimistic that with the strategies DFWA is emerging with will definitely go a long way to curb the menace. DFWA presidential courtesy call was received by dignitaries in Lokoja Kogi State capital NDLEA Commander Mrs. Bridget Ede who pledged her support as she made known o DFWA the lack of a standard Rehabilitation Centre in Kogi State and unequivocable thanked DFWA for a selfless service in their community and to Africa at large.  DFWA president in same manner thanked and  appreciated her for mobilising NDLEA Tax-force for the walk.  Dr Victor Alewo Adoji, Former Head Corporate Communication Zenith Bank PLC on talk with DFWA President sincerely pledged unconditional support to DFWA vision towards drug-free people of Kogi State. Engr. Chinagorum in company of the DFWA KSC Rep. Amb Maximillian and the youths ended the visit at the NUJ office where the walk terminated. The meeting of DFWA President Engr. Chinagorum Nkaru and the NUJ Chairman Kogi State Mr Adeira Momoh Jimoh conclusively yielded to propagate NO TO DRUG ABUSE campaign on air on subsided rate and to initiate DFWA youths and sports Drug-Free Cadet. The remarkable DFWA KSC Stop Drug Abuse Walk in Kogi State gave hope to the entire community of Kogi State towards a positive tackling of drug abuse in their communities. The DFWA KSC Rep Amb Maximillian on behalf of the DFWA KSC members thanked DFWA President Engr. Chinagorum Nkaru for time taken to visit them and joined the walk which proven the resolve and clear vision of the organisation to drug-free youths of Africa and further strengthened them to tirelessly work for the success of Drug-free Kogi State. Kogi State towards drug-free community.

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Drug Free World Africa Rivers State Chapter on 2000 Man March on Drug Free Rivers State

On the 13th November,2021 Drug Free World Africa Rivers State Chapter staged a 2000-man march, holding the city of Port Harcourt River Side stand still watching dramatic campaigners as the sing not to drug abuse round the capital city of Rivers state.   200 Man March Stop Drug Abuse Walk was led by DFWA Rivers State Representative Mr. Ewuzie Onyeka and his deputy Mr. Jide Adepoju followed by enthusiastic youths and other stakeholders visibly spotted was NDLEA and others on sensitization awareness “TRUTH ABOUT DRUGS”. Remarkable impact was made across length and breadth of Borokikiri axis of Rivers state and it environ, a known arena with history for the highest chain distribution of drugs in Rivers State. It was a huge success the key partners were on ground supporting the epoch event with enthusiastic youths trooping in their numbers to campaign against the abuse of drugs. The area of highlight was the chosen venue and environ of the event. The location is widely recognized as the most populated location where drugs are not only abused by youths but by pupil in the primary and secondary school hence the need to create the awareness in the most auspicious manner. Youths got the message that Drug Abuse is not a way forward but disrupt future. The TRUTH ABOUT DRUG ABUSE CAMPAIGHN was far reaching and was further amplified by various partners like NDLEA, Red Cross Society of Nigeria, Nigeria Police Force, Road Safety and Nigeria Television Authority among others who through their contribution made our voice louder especially Nigeria Television Authority who projected and promoted the program through a life telecast  across Nigeria and beyond and ongoing tele news. The team of DFWA body working behind the scene to initiate and strategies on community NO TO DRUG ABUSE outreach programs are amazing and we extend community appreciation to them especially the amiable President, Ms Chinagorum Nkaru for her exemplary leadership and support. Dr. Lina Okereke SA on Health, Imo state for her contribution, Rev Peter Unadika for lending his voice, Timi McQuade and Mr. Emmanuel Ngoka for facilitating and providing us with various materials that made the program most colourful and to the rest the team in the Drug Free world Africa family, we say a big thank you for offering us this enviable platform to serve humanity in the most special way. DRUG FREE WORLD AFRICA, Rivers Sate chapter is making effort to reach out to some organization as a collaboration to provide 50 persons with different category of craft as an avenue to empower them in a well-tailored programe. With what we have achieved so far, it has further emboldened us to take the next outlined step which is football 4 man team tournament in the same community which comes up sometimes in 2022 to further drive home our point in getting the grass root vulnerable youths involved in a healthy and reward competition that will see all four teams as winners. This is to give hope both to victims of drug abuse and would be victims that there is a beautiful future for them without drugs and most importantly we want to choose a couple of them as DRUG FREE WORLD AFRICA AMBASSADORS who would have shown reasonable commitment to change with clear evidence of non-involvement in drug activities. They will in turn mentor others and the chain will continue until reasonable number is won back and fully integrated back to the society. Drugs Free remains a pre- requisite to qualify for these larges so as to make them worthy citizens. It’s a wakeup call to be part of history across the world as we lend our voices to collectively say NO TO DRUGS and YES TO GREATER FUTURE OF TEEMING YOUTH  

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Drug Free World Africa Powered Franklin Ngere Outreach Foundation to Present Freedom From Drug Abuse

Drug Free World Africa collaborates with Franklin Ngere Outreach Foundation to Present Freedom from Drug Abuse on December 2021. On 3rd December 2021, Universal Secondary School Ihiagwa Owerri Imo State Nigeria were visited by anti-drug abuse campaign educators from Franklin Outreach Foundation powered by Drug Free World Africa. School teacher were educated on “Truth About Drugs” who in turn thought their students and charged them to stand against drug abuse. Students were encouraged to speak up if they were been coax by any group to take drugs and to also report any student taking drugs. They were told not to feel guilty if they are reporting anyone found taking drugs rather doing the right thing to prevent their friends from drug abuse and drug addiction which destroys and eventually kills. Students were given the opportunity to ask question and give their opinion on drug abuse. Students responded and generally declared not to get engage in drugs and become what they aspired to be, Future Leaders.  875 students were reached, 9 teachers trained and 1200 drug booklets and drug materils distributed. Stand Against Drug Abuse  

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Drug Free World Africa Kano State Chapter Sets Target on Teachers-Students Stop Drug Abuse Schools Campaign

Drug Free World Africa Kano State Chapter  (DFWA KSC) Teachers-Students Stop Drug Abuse School Campaign Drug free world Africa, is a prestigious intercontinental Africa Anti-Drug NGO, takes on challenge of educating Parents-Teachers school to school campaign against drug abuse and illicit substance misuse,  another school-school drug abuse education in kano state.   Girls Secondary School Panshekara Kumbotso Local Government Kano State Nigeria embraced DFWA KSC “truth About Drugs” education on 3rd Nov 2021. The state chapter of the organization have set out modalities to take the campaign to all the secondary schools in the state before the end of year 2022 in a bid to expose the students to the truth about drug and illicit substance abuse.

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“Truth About Drugs” Tour in 27 Local Gov. of Imo State

  The SA Health Imo State Hon Dr Lina Okereke set on tour to subdue drug abuse in 27 Local Gov of Imo State “the Truth About Drugs”. On 26/10/2021 Hon Dr Lina Okereke, Special Adviser on Health Imo State sensitized 27 local government of Imo State on truth about drug abuse. She Met with 27 LGA IMC chairmen in Imo State during their ALGON meeting to talk to them on “TRUTH ABOUT DRUGS” and the deleterious effect on health and insecurity in the community. She stated that combining Public Health Campaign and Truth About Drug Abuse under DRUG FREE WORLD AFRICA strategic campaign will lead to a serious decrease in consumption of illicit substances and drugs addition in our youths thereby directly and indirectly reducing insecurity and other anti-social crime in the community. PREVENTION OF INITIATIONS OF OUR YOUTHS INTO DRUG ABUSE IS THE KEY, SHE SAID. “CATCH THEM YOUNG “BEFORE DRUGS DO” IS OUR MANDATE. A sustainable early intervention program is needed to prevent initiation of our youths into drug abuse through peer group pressure and the ignorant of youthful exuberant is what we need. She charged the Local Gov. Chairmen and their Chiefs to motivate the youths into engaging in different community activities and to discourage street youth gang. She said its identified that youth street gathering forms the pressure groups that coax youths into indecent activities.  They initiate them by prompting them to grow up through encouraging them to inhale marijuana once or twice which is known as gateway drugs. She said with the platform DFWA has showcased to combat drug abuse is her drive to reach them in rural areas to inspire them to rise up and join the war on drugs to win our youths and save them from further destruction. SA Health introduced different DFWA projects of street drug- free walk, School- School campaign, churches and talking drug therapy, regularly on health damage from Drug Abuse.  Pulling forces together from all 27 Local Gov. will definitely combat and zero drug abuse in Imo State Community. DRUG FREE WORLD AFRICA (DFWA) is here for Drug Free Youths in Imo State. 5000 Drug Free Man March from IICC through the town coming 26th January 2022 was introduced. Let us join hands to drug free our community. @sahealthimostate

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