“No to Drugs Yes for Food” DFWA swiftly move into action with Mam’s Legacy feeding the families, children and vulnerable adults affected by Covid-19 Lockdown in Africa. Millions of vulnerable families, young people and children, coronavirus restrictions have made access to food, water and shelter even more precarious. DFWA on review for Covid-19 consequences and impact discovered in a shock that about 265 million people around the world are forecast to be facing acute food insecurity by the end of this year reported by guardian newspaper. Right now we are facing a choice between more or less drastic measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, that will lead to malnutrition and starvation for millions of people, and for these horrors, children and especially infants are the most at risk. And very many of those infants are born, and will die, in Africa. Goodluck at the point of starvation smiles to DFWA/ML 2020 Lockdown Africa Food Project (LAFP) as he holds his food pack. Children face starvation as lockdown extends in African countries, making it difficult for parents to provide food for their children. DFWA and Mama’s Legacy said that themost important of humanitarian work is discovering where there is lack and step in with relief. At present it’s important to forget talking about Truth About Drugs and or living life of legacy but to print a foot step of legacy by acting immediately to providing food for people to live and to save live. DFWA shift actions to palliative care to save lives during Covid-19. Handsome Tim needs to live like every other child. African children are dying of starvation more deadly than Covid-19 Young mother’s and street children are having a rough time during the curfew. Food and water are a real problem as hotels and eating places where they would normally get food have closed down, movement is restricted.” Better to die of Covid-19 or hunger? Young mothers and children wondering in search of food and dying of starvation thanks to LAFP For homeless youth like Alfred, in most African countries, for now the most pressing reality is the need for food. “The police have told us they don’t want to see us around and out. Are we going to die of hunger instead of coronavirus?” Youth desperate for answer desperate to survive. @ Sun City Estate Abuja, DFWA First Representative Okwuchi Nnnochiri feared for her safety as angry youths struggle over food. Quest for survival. The coronavirus crisis will push more than a quarter of a billion people to the brink of starvation unless swift action is taken to provide food and humanitarian relief to the most at-risk regions, the UN and other experts have warned. DFWA Volunteer Nwadiuto Miriam Alaukwu committed to feeding hungry youths Shocking discovery of starvation millions of Africans are facing has driven Drug Free World Africa (DFWA) an NGO against drug abuse and illicit drug tracking and Mama’s Legacy (ML) and NGO for women and children affairs under the leading President China Nkaru and First Director Rev Peter Unadike with their compassionate members to move swiftly providing food for the hungry. 2020 Lockdown Africa Food Project prepared by DFWA/ML China Nkaru President DFWA and first Director DFWA Rev Peter Unadike drives drugs free world from “No to Drugs to Yes for Food” With millions of starving children how many will be missed with only members struggling to feed many. Children as Joy and Chi-chi needs your support to feed to survive and overcome Covid-19. Lockdown not lockmouth children cried out grabbing food from DFWA 2020 LAFP @ Kabusa Village Lokogoma Abuja. Food children’s life line Okwuchi Nnochiri further commented that it’s worrying and of concern that irrespective of proper risk assessment to go to less populated area to feed people that they were overwhelmed by the crowded that people couldn’t adhere to social distancing as they struggle for food. Food rides Okada as youths struggles for food for survival On the emotional side of it all, DFWA representative explained that it’s emotional challenging to watch families, youths and little children struggle for food in such manner and she took the challenge as her own personal task that must feed and treated the hungry kids with empathy while maintained professional boundaries. She said people are very hungry and wished DFWA would do more and more. Happy youths thanked Okwuchi Nnochiri First Representative DFWA China Nkaru the President of DFWA, First Driector Peter Unadike, Barrister Kenneth the secretary of DFWA, Grace Dicarlo and other members of the DFWA family applauded the courage, bravery and dedicated service OkwuchiNnochiriand her volunteer Nwadiuto Miriam Alaukwuexhibitedto delivery and execution of such a selfless humanitarian service to the needy at this challenging period of Covid-19. China Nkaru and Dr Lina Okereke the First Trustee of DFWA unreservedly provided a helpline for talk, information sharing, emotional support and otherwise for the DFWA frontline representatives and volunteers who are out on the streets feeding the hungry and the less privileged. China Nkaru said it’s the organization primary concern to see that their frontline representatives are well cared for as they go out there caring for others. DFWA/ML are committed to providing and feeding the affected families, the hungry and the vulnerable to protect them from covid-19. Support us to make angry youths a happy youths. DFWA & ML empowering vulnerable Africa to survive Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks, as you support us!! Thanks, as you volunteer!! For your support and volunteer go to: www.drugfreeworldafrica.org info@drugfreeworldafrica.org mamalegacyspeaks@gmail.com Tel: 03333443844