Drug Free World Africa Set To Combat the use of illicit drugs and Substance Misuse In Rivers State- Join the March

Drug Free World Africa, intercontinental Africa anti-drug NGO, poised to sensitize, educate, the entire community of Rivers State on the “Truth About Drugs.

The organization emerged with strategic aggressive massive community NO TO DRUG ABUSE approach cantered on effective sensitization on “No To Drug Abuse City Road Walk. DFWA set to walk out drug abuse in Rivers State and to possibly engage youths living drug-free life.

The Rivers State chapter of Drug Free World Africa is set to combat the ugly monster drug abuse in the state through City Walk of a 2000 Drug Free Man March slated for 13th Nov 2021. The entire community of Rivers State are encouraged to motivate youths and join the march for collaborative effort to tackle the drug abuse menace in the community of River state.

DFWA announces time to fight drug abuse, walk it out and not to live in fear of it’s effect.  

Join us to kick drugs out of Rivers State.

Partners and collaborators are welcome for synergy on our future events and engagement for further drugs and illicit substance combatting.

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