
DFWA Felicitates with Mavis Amankwah on Her UNA Goodwill Ambassadorial Award

Drug free world Africa has congratulated Mrs. Mavis Amankwah on her UNA goodwill Ambassadorial award which took place at Boat Cruise- Millbank Millennium Pier, Pier 5 London, SW1P 4XL. The organization on 18 August, 2022 featured on the event of Mavis Amankwah’s UNA Goodwill Ambassadorial Award, which as it were was Empowering, Motivating and inspiring. Mavis Amankwah has in no small measure touched countless number of lives, especially that of the youths through her unbridled generosity, benevolence and exceptional brilliance over time. She has been a Voice to the voiceless and given hope to people who have lost hope in life and can suffice to say that she’s simply a trail blazer, who has unarguably written her name in gold. DFWA seized that opportunity to reach out to a pool of nonprofit Organizations, who expressed profound gratitude towards the good work DFWA is doing to rescue and therefore sanitize our Society from the horrid stench drug abuse and its Concomitant implications and went ahead to pledge support for DFWA programs. Mavis Amankwah was all Joy to see the representatives of DFWA in the Ceremony and promised to strengthen her support for DFWA programs in order to make our society a better place for future generation.

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Drug Free World Africa Unveils “Truth About Drugs” Carnival

DFWA in Collaboration with Drug Free World (DFW) has engaged the youths on a carnival Captioned “Truth About Drugs” in Notting Hill London. The Carnival which took place on August 29, 2022 as it were was garnished with a lot of educative, Inspiring and entertaining programs, ranging from Mega Rallies and Awareness to Lectures, Counselling sessions, as well as talent hunt. During the carnival parade a volunteer lectured, the Speaker who pleaded anonymity insisted that drugs like Tramadol, Coding and among others which are believed to enhance Sexual performances are very dangerous and injurious to the system of the users as they could cause Severe Head Ache, Myalgia/Back Pain, Visual Disturbances, Nasal Congestion and in some extreme Cases Death. The Speaker equally forewarned the youths of the dangers associated with drugs which are intended to make people work tirelessly or become high, as those drugs could at best leave its victims with various dimensions of cardiac issues and at worst fasten the victim’s step to his/her grave. He ended by saying that youth can always enjoy their lives to the fullest without engaging into drug abuse. The program which was not Just rich, but historic as Londoners enjoy a festive carnival made huge impact as countless number of Youths vowed never to abuse Drugs again and many volunteered to join in the campaign against drug abuse.

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Passionate Youths in Ghana Shun Drug Abuse

DFWA Ghana has encouraged its youths to find passion in sports life rather than engaging in hard drugs and illicit usage of drugs. The country member Mr. Johnson Gameh Kportufe at Afrobank Championship enjoined the youths to channel their energy to sports like football, basketball, tennis, Boxing and among others instead of idling around as an idle mind is a Devil’s Workshop. Mr Kporfe Reminded them that men like Cristiano Ronaldo, Floyd May weather and Michael Jordan all became billionaires through sports, and went on to say that lack of interest amongst the youths in sports especially our local leagues has gone a long way to relegate Africa to a disadvantaged position globally. He stressed the need why the youths should shun drug abuse which has as it were increased crime rate and plunged many of our youths into regrettable, yet avoidable health conditions.

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DFWA Strengthens Partnership With British Alliance

In a bid to fight Drug abuse, DWFA on August 14, 2022 has consolidated partnership with British Africa Business Alliance (BABA). The partnership was Precipitated by the unparalleled, yet regrettable rate of drug abuse in Imo state and the country at large. DFWA and BABA has decided to demolish this monster (Drug Abuse) ravaging the lives of our youths by attracting firms to Imo state which will in turn create Job opportunities and create room for skill acquisition therefore engaging the youths positively. From the organization’s findings, it was realized that the high rate of drug abuse in IMO state is not unconnected to high rate of unemployment in the state which has given room to a lot criminal actions among the youths. The youths of Imo state lately have been feasting on drugs like Codin, Shisha, Tramadol, Crysta meth which in our common Parlance is called “Mkpuru Mmiri”, that has killed many young men and women, and has made many to go knot. DFWA finally vowed to stop at nothing in her battle to flush out drug abuse in Imo State and Nigeria at Large.

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International Youth Day: DFWA Celebrates With Youths

DFWA has expressed her Love for the youths and most importantly her zest towards helping the youths maximize their Potentials the fullest. The celebration which took place on the 12th August 2022 had DFWA encouraging the Youth to stick to their home bred discipline and never for any reason let any more pressure or lure them into use of hard drugs like tramadol, Indian- Hemp and among others, which beyond every shred of doubt skyrocketed the rate of domestic violence. They were equally enjoined never to embark on unplanned journeys whether within or outside Nigeria or resort to the use of Illegal routes to European countries in search of greener pastures, because such is a serious crime, as such could attract serious punishment and worse still could jeopardize their lives and overall wellbeing. Additionally, they were admonished not to engage in any form of Crime, especially Cyber Crime called “Yahoo-Yahoo”, in our local parlance which is most prominent amongst the Youths in today’s Nigeria. Finally, the youths were asked to acquire profitable skills as mere being educated is not enough in our Contemporary Nigeria considering the current state of the economy.

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DFWA Kaduna team has revisited Nuba Royal Academy School in Ungwa Musa, Kudensa, Maraba Rido, Kaduna State on their price giving day to however reward them for their unflinching commitment towards DFWA’s Campaign against drug abuse. The Kaduna team representative, Rev. Lazarus Tema has encouraged the students to shun the use of hard drugs in all its forms and shapes in order to have a great future. He said that Indiscriminate use of drugs has sent many promising youths to their early grave and many others are roaming the street mad and also pointed out that drug abuse has directly contributed to the explosion of crime and all sorts of social vices in our Society today. Rev. Lazarus Terna, went on to remind them that their various communities and Nigeria at large is looking up to them, as such they should not for any reason nip their expectations in the bud. Parents and Teachers were not left out in his admonitions as he encouraged them to steer clear of Drug abuse and most importantly enjoined them to give their Children closer attention, describing them as the moral compass of the youngsters. He went on to cite proverbs 29:15, a Child left on his own brings Shame to the parents. The climax of the event was when the children were given room to ask questions, answers were given to their questions and Words of prayers were dropped on for them.


DFWA: Mega March Against Drug Abuse Attracts Cooperate Body’s Attention

The Mega March against drug abuse organized by the entire members of DFWA has succeeded in attracting many government agencies, private firms and even religious houses who have shown its support for the DFWA. Rev. Lazarus, the DFWA Kaduna representative hinted the Organization that DFWA LOC office has staged a fight against indiscriminate use of drugs and as well exploited the opportunity to distribute its profile to different government agencies, Private firms, religious houses and the office of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, one of the front line 2023 presidential Candidates. According to Rev Lazarus, some of the agencies, religious houses and Firms that called, spoke on the devastating and catastrophic effect of the rising incidence of drug abuse and how it poses serious danger to our civilization. The Kaduna state representative stressed the need why everyone in his own corner should launch a ruthless crusade against indiscriminate use of drugs as “Battle against indiscriminate use of drug is a Battle every hand must be on deck to win” he said.

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DFWA Ends international day against Drug Abuse with the message “walk away from drug abuse”

DFWA ends the 2022 international day against drug abuse encouraging all and sundry to walk away from drugs and intake of other harmful substances. The team wrapping the year’s annual event created aggressive awareness in the community, society and the world allover to make sure the cry for a drug-free world is heard. Engr. Chinagororm Nkaru urged all the team members to stand firm in the fight against drug abuse and continue to spread the gospel. We will leave no stone unturn until drug abuse fall in our community.

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DFWA Ghana Hosts Drug Free Sports International Day in schools

The Presbyterian Boys Secondary School felt the presence of DFWA Ghana as a message of “Yes to Sports No to drugs” was sent to the sports team.  The 27th of June celebration is a means of creating awareness in commemoration of the international drug-free day. The team noted to the students that some athletes make use of drugs to enhance their skills and do well in sports which is not a welcome development and a bad influence on their skills. DFWA Ghana Country Rep Mr. Johnson Kportufe spoke to the students about the dangers of drugs in sports and encouraged them to work hard to enhance their skills. DFWA Ghana also visited Tema Secondary School educating students on sports benefits but not drugs. The students of Tema secondary school were properly lectured on the dangers of drug abuse and students were allowed to ask questions concerning the subject matter. The students of Achimota Secondary school were not left out in the awareness exercise as the students were educated on Free sport and no to drugs. Mr. Johnson Kportufe who is the state rep of DFWA Ghana speaking to the students told them that he stands for “no to drugs yes to sports” and discouraged the students from drug abuse.

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`No to Drug Abuse` Campaign intensifies in Imo in commemoration of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Substance Trafficking

DFWA Imo state chapter on the 26tth June 2022 campaigned around the state in commemoration of the international drug-free day. DFWA Project Facilitator Dr. Lina Okereke who doubles as the SA Health Imo State took her team on a visit to schools in the state to celebrate the day. The No to Drug Abuse walk started around Government House Owerri to other venues marking the International Day against Drug Abuse. One of the schools visited during the walk was Ikenegbu girls’ secondary school, the school felt the presence of the team as lectures on drugs and the importance of drug abstinence were taught to the students. Dr. Lina pointed out the consequences of drug abuse to the students and made them understand that saying No to peer pressure to indulge in drugs is the best decision. “You own your future in your hands, you don`t allow people to decide your future for you, it is better to turn down a friend’s urge to indulge in drugs than accept and jeopardize your future. “We are ladies and are meant to live a life worthy of emulation for the sake of the generations that will come through us, remember what you do today, has a way of affecting the future,” she said, Dr. Lina Okereke explained and handed over Teaching Aids, Manuals, Materials, and Drug leaflets from Drug-Free World Africa to the Principal of the school for the sustainability of the War Against Drug Abuse (WADA). It was an eventful outing for the team and a memorable day for the students of the DFWA visited.

`No to Drug Abuse` Campaign intensifies in Imo in commemoration of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Substance Trafficking Read More »