

Kano State chapter of DFWA has sensitized the students of the Government Girls Secondary School, Dukawuga in Kano state over illicit use of drugs The sensitization which was held on the 22nd September, 2022 had DFWA speaking on the pitfalls inherent in the use of illicit drugs, like Codin, Fentanyl, Cocaine, Heroin, Methadone, Oxycodone and much more. The State Coordinator Mr. Nura Sani has Stressed that our young Girls should focus on their studies and future in the ultimate and not on Sex or illicit Drugs as such are harmful to their health and dangerous to their future. He pointed out that countless number of girls have pitched tenth with Criminal gangs, some have enrolled into Baby Factory, some into Full-fledged prostitution because of peer pressure and illicit Drugs. Mr. Nura Sani expressed so much regret that many unthinkable diseases are flying all over the place because of the recklessness amongst our youths, particularly our Girls. He concluded by reminding them that they’re the life wire of every civilization, as such they should comport themselves, shun illicit drugs and Premarital Sex.



DFWA has initiated a GoFundMe platform which is geared towards breaking free the financial barrier of the mega march against drug abuse Engr. Chinagorum Nkaru, DFWA president has stated how Finance has unarguably posed a cog in the wheels of the mega March against the use of hard drugs in Africa, The GOFUNDME Platform which was created on the 17th of September 2022 was meant for people to render their support without fear of been dubbed and all that. According to the president, the platform has equally made it easier for NGO’s, Firms, Churches, and Government at all Levels to partner with the organization. “With our finance expanded, we will not only strengthen our mega march against the use of hard drugs which is very prominent amongst the youths, which as it were has wrecked untold havoc to the teeming population of our youths, but will equally help to provide Meaningful employment opportunities for them, train more people and set up business for them”. “Our fight against the use of hard drugs is very thorough as we plan to root out drugs abuse and what paved way for it at the first instance completely from Africa” she said. The president also went further to announce that more mega march, Conferences, Seminar and outreaches would be held at different parts of Africa as our mission is very clear and our commitment very sacrosanct, Drug abuse must be stamped out and our Youths shall see light.


To Achieve Mega March Against Drug Abuse DFWA Attracts a Big Name in Marketing Media

DFWA has attracted a prestigious name and image to itsself in the marking media due to its hard work, resilience and commitment to rescuing the people of Nigeria and Africa from the grip of hard drugs. The Campaign Project Director of Mega March Hon. Dr Lina Okereke who has made this known to all thereby outlining strategies for target sponsorship, marketing, audience and stake holders. she stressed that more firms must be reached out to for sponsorship and partnership as well, which would be achieved by showing them video clips of what the organization have achieved. According to her, these video Clips would help to convince them that DFWA is very serious with its fight against the use of illicit drugs because seeing as they said is believing. she hinted that more mega marches would be held, more fliers shared, seminars and workshops as that will help to reach out to more people and save more lives and at the other hand make our mission clearer to potential Sponsors and Partners. “DFWA has already attracted a Big name to itself and will continue to do so as she strategises marketing team.

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Drug Terror

Drug abuse a global issue, has become almost a pandemic. Before now the problem of the abuse of Indian hemp, cocaine and heroine was rampant among the youths. Many people in the 70s and 80s became demented for life as a result of the abuse of the above mentioned drugs. This made many countries to legislate laws to help in checkmating the abuse. Many drug peddlers were openly executed while some were sentenced to life imprisonments. We have heard of how many Nigerians were executed in many Asian and European countries for drug meddling and abuse. It became embarrassing as the Nigerian government pay deaf ears to the problem among Nigerian in diaspora. The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency has been active in curbing the menace but it seems that their best is never good enough. Unfortunately, drug abuse has gotten to an asttonomic level that it has enhanced robbery and cultism. Wonders shall never end. Are you aware of the abuse of Tramadol? What about other drugs like Valium 5 and 10? What about the use of some herbal drugs as strenght enhancers which assist in destroying neural balance in the body? There are extreme cases where the youths consume dried spirogyra, amoeba and other microorganisms. Some youths have even smoked Lipton tea and other dried leafs which have been found as efficacious in enhancing the sensory systems. There is now one deadly one called GUZORO, Mkpurunmmiri which comes in liquid or tablet form and increases the thyroid strength and makes the consumers assume extraordinary strenght. Imagine where a consumer of this drug goes through knife stabbing without feeling the pains. Imagine where the consumer jumps through a high fence as if it takes to strength to do. Imagine where the consumers engage in rape, battery and violence without realizing the implications? In our society today, GUZORO has destroyed the lives of many youths. They abuse it to a point of danger. This drug has assisted many of them who are perpetrating violence, murder and cultism. This has become a very big embarrassment in the our society which must be checkmated before it becomes another thing. This perennial problem must be checked or our youths will become useless in the society. The problems of drug abuse are so terrible that it destroys the future of the coming generations. The truth remains that no drug addict can father a child or keep a responsible marriage. Our parents must rise up to checkmate their children and what they do. The churches must rise up to the fact and assist in directing the youths. We know that some cannot be corrected easily but let’s play the good role so that those who can change can change.Amb Onuawuchi Anyanwu Nkwazema. Join Drug Free World Africa and Imo Health Volunteers in the fight against drug abuse. .

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Katsina, Kaduna, Kano Entertainers Get Drug Abuse Education

Drug Free World Africa Kano state chapter has taken the message of drug abuse and its dangers to the entertainment industry. The event which took place on 20th March 2022 had in attendance musicians, actors and actresses, and film producers. DWFA enlightened the participants and other youths on the effect of drug abuse in our society. Nrua Sani who is the representative of the DWFA Kano chapter speaking to the entertainers encouraged them to avoid anything that has to do with drugs or their abuse no matter the reason. “In the entertainment industry, we know young people believe taking hard substances makes them high, they believe they can sing well, dance well, act well or even crack jokes well when on drugs” “I want you all to know that talent is inbuilt and can`t be enhanced through drugs or taking of any hard substance, it can only be seen and appreciated through hard work and practice,” he said. ‘Truth About Drugs’ booklet was distributed among participants at the event. so many known faces in the entertainment industry were present at the event and commended the good work of the Drug Free World Africa Kano State chapter on their consistent campaign against drug abuse. The entertainers present took it upon themself to share educational materials on drug abuse with other youths and promised to be involved in further sensitization.

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Drug Free World Africa Set to Commence Youth Internship Training on Profiling building in Her Branch Office in Lagos

The DFWA President, Engr Chinagorum Nkaru made this known while addressing a crowd of people at DFWA Lagos branch office as DFWA prioritise skill-up programmes of the youths as one important avenue to get youths into employment making them busy and live life out of drugs In so doing DFWA created a means of training and supporting youths to build a good CV which profile them towards matching and attracting good jobs of their choices. The youths who have no experiences to build on CV are in turn presented with different youth’s programmes and sign post to different organisation to learn and improve their skills towards employability. DFWA Lagos office is running a youth internship training on CV and Profile building in collaboration with Youth-Shift organisation, an international youth training friendly organisation. In appreciation DFWA Lagos state members appreciated her effort in youth capacity building, express joy in her passion for drug free society which is geared towards giving back life to affected persons in the nation and the world at large.

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DFWA spots news as NDLEA nabs doctor for baking hemp-biscuits, ex-soldier for dealing in cocaine.

NATIONAL TREND NEWS CRIMES UPDATE:NDLEA nabs doctor for baking hemp-biscuits, ex-soldier for dealing in cocaine A medical doctor, Jane Chioma Ofoma, has been arrested in Auchi, Edo State, by operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, for operating an online catering service, Omachi’s kitchen, through which she sells drugged biscuits. Following intelligence and surveillance, narcotic officers of the Edo State Command of the Agency on Saturday, June 19, stormed her operational base at 1 Winners Way, Auchi, where she was arrested and at least 94 pieces of cookies produced with cannabis sativa were recovered. Chioma, 26, who is a graduate of medicine from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, recently completed her housemanship at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital. She confessed to baking the cookies with ‘skunk’ in her statement, during interrogation. In the same vein, a 30-year-old Emmanuel Ehiramhen, of 10 Egan Street, Ekpoma, Edo State, has been arrested by officers of the Edo Command of the Agency for dealing in crack cocaine. Meanwhile, NDLEA operatives in Kwara State have arrested a 52-year-old ex-soldier, Sergeant Ibrahim Musa with 12.167 kilograms of Arizona (cannabis sativa), four grams of Cocaine and 25 grams of flunitrazepam. The suspect was apprehended on Thursday, June 17, at Oke-Odo, Tanke area of Ilorin metropolis when he arrived from Lagos to supply his customers. Musa who worked in the maintenance department at Abati Army Barracks, Lagos, from where he was deployed to 117 Battalion in Chibok, Borno State, before he deserted, had arrived Ilorin in company of his wife, Basirat Musa in his Honda Accord car with number plates JJ 707 BL Lagos. He was, however, arrested at the point of delivery by operatives of Kwara State Command of the Agency. Under interrogation, Ibrahim revealed that while at Chibok he got the connection of a supplier of Arizona (Cannabis) and other drugs in Lagos, who he immediately contacted when he deserted the Army in October 2020. He said he decided to go into the illicit drug business to enable him fend for his two wives and three children. The suspect revealed that the latest journey was his second trip to Ilorin to deliver the drugs and decided to travel with one of his wives who was not aware of his mission to Ilorin. Reacting to the arrests, Chairman/CEO of NDLEA, Brig. Gen. Mohamed Buba Marwa (rtd) has commended the Edo and Kwara state Commands of the Agency for their vigilance and commitment to the goal of ridding Nigeria of the menace of illicit drug trafficking and abuse. He charged the Commanders, officers and men of the two Commands and their counterparts across the country not to relent in the discharge of their responsibilities while assuring them that he’ll continue to make their welfare a priority.

DFWA spots news as NDLEA nabs doctor for baking hemp-biscuits, ex-soldier for dealing in cocaine. Read More »